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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pursuits of the hard kind....

I saw the beautiful movie: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS a few weeks ago... I am not going to write a review since the movie is quite old & does not need an introduction. I just want to point you to one aspect of the movie: THE ENDING...

The whole movie showed a man's perseverance against all odds, but what struck me most was how the ending was depicted in the most truthful manner!

When the boss tells Will Smith in the end that he has actually got the job, he does not show any hint of happiness. It is neither shock nor disbelief. It is the display of pure lightening of a burden on a man who is trying hard to just stay alive. That happiness, in fact happiness is the wrong term, that relief, about having got what one is relentlessly working for, and still not sure whether one will actually achieve it.... the portrayal of that feeling touched me deeply...

If you haven't seen the movie, or have missed that scene, please see it again.
Will goes out into the street & does not do anything more than waving his hands as a sign of victory or the same...and he simply starts walking, matching stride with the people around him.... That stride is not to show that he has equalled them in any manner... it is the stride of a man who has the confidence to face the future...

Which is not to say that Will does not show confidence during the entire is shown as a series of desperate measures to stay alive.. any other person, like his wife (in the movie) would have given up more easily... it is only his sheer willpower that takes him & us through the movie, and that willpower having obtained its goal, presents us with a memorable ending!!

happy watching....

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