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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Darwin vs love

A small attempt to put love in poetry:
(ps: the last paragraph "I say:" is written off-hand)

When I am down,
with no one to look (after me) around:
I realize I am
Darwin's unfit loser,
Wright's sociable unsocial animal,
who can only:
crawl his way if crutches are offered...

I put on music deafening:
Hoping to drown my heart's wailing;
But still I can't catch the notes-
Lost in my sorrow,
That chills my marrow-
Tearing my mind apart,
Till I fall asleep,
Tired of the same thought.

They say:
It is better to have loved and lost:
I loved, I lost
And each time I hoped..
for a better start.

That illusive feeling,
Love, with its infamous healing...
Evades me..
& leaves me reeling..
Darwin's unfit loser.

Some (Darwinians) say-
Love not anyone, more than thyself.
For loving is the sure road..
To heart's disgress.
And they love themselves, live by themselves,
oblivious to the warmth
That is offered by love's hearth.
The world is their enemy,
Survival at other's cost their never ending ceremony.

You say:
I speak against love,
I speak against non-love-
What's on my mind?
Am I the insane kind?

And at this point my friend,
I ask of you to recognize the trend..
A troubled heart's lament,
A broken mind's predicament.

Love shall not set me free,
Until I have truly,
Understood its decree.

Love says:
Dearest worried soul-
I am not about getting,
about achieving,
about conquering...

I AM about caring
about giving
about sharing
about sacrificing
about letting go & still
keeping oneself on the show.

(My dearest worried soul)
If you cannot
gather your happiness
from what I am-
Then you,
have never loved at all!

I say:
I know not love yet,
I know not survival yet,
I am starting my life,
Understanding my mind's strife:
But I shall go on,
As Tennyson's brook:
Living life on the hook;
I cannot relate to Darwin's agression,
I believe I have the loving passion:
With some patience
& some digression
Learning & unlearning the world's fashion,
I will arrive at love's bastion!

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