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Friday, September 12, 2008

Keep walking.....

With gr8 pride i write that last nite i ws able 2walk 9.05 km @6km/hr.. I guess i hav beaten my trekking record with this feat, although that was in hills. I also managed 2climb 9 floors after the walk. It still didn't leave me tired, which means my stamina has increased. But these walks take up 2 hours which is a problem. Hence, i'm thinking of introducing jogging in my regime. On an average, a 20min jog @ 8-9km/hr burns as much calories as an hour's walk. So, i stand 2gain time. But jogging in the evening is hard, as pollution leaves me out of breath. I hope i can start from tomorow evening. I also find myself dehydrated, so i'll carry some water too.. Hope for the best, need your encouragement people! Somu, competition has arrived! Lets talk about that marathon now!

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