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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yuganta (Irawati Karve)

A very unique commentary on the Mahabharata. It speaks of the PEOPLE, SOCIETY and the lifestyle during the age of the Mahabharata. Since, it is the end of an era just before the Kalayuga, its aptly titled Yuganta. As I read through the book, I started to realize, true or not, it did seem to be like the end of an age. The society than was so dissimilar to ours and yet so similar. However, the Kalayuga brought in blind beliefs that are so not original, that are so not ours. It reflects the true COMING OF THE ARYANS and their society before the onset of the CASTE SYSTEM. The varna system did exist, but it was more flexibile and free of corruptions found today.

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