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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Are you preaparing for exams son?

The scale of ignorance in our country cannot be measured sometimes. I have the greatest respect for all the unforunately illiterate folk, who are victims of circumstances. I just wish to highlight one of the greatest misconceptions that they have about reading & studying.

I am a voracious reader. Whenever I am free, travelling or waiting, I will be found reading. On multiple occassions I have been asked by passers-by, fellow passengers and acquanitances "Are you preparing for exams, son?"

It's not kids asking me, these are people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and well beyond. The only meaning of a book in hand, whether its cover reads Economics or Michael Crichton, is studying (as an academic pursuit). 

The very idea of casual reading (other than the newspaper, which even the most ignorant person identifies with) is absent from their understanding. More than anything, I feel helpless, that we are unable to imbibe even basic instincts to the layperson.

Another interesting twist is for those using computers. For those who see children always playing games on a computer, their standard comment will be: "Whiling away your time, eh?"

On the other hand, those who see their college going kids always working on the computer, regardless of whether the person is chatting or working, their standard comment is: "Working away, as usual..."

Mufaazaa made an intersting point about writing articles yesterday. The author should strive to provide solutions. As I write this, I have many solutions in my mind. But, the sheer scale and intensity of ignorance to which i refer above befuddles me. I am unable to come up with any solution that will assure me a widespread awareness of the importance of casual reading, using computers, and the like.

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