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Friday, October 09, 2009

A noble piece prize

Obama wins the Nobel Prize! Thats one of the most shocking news i have ever heard to date.. My belief in the nobels is completely shattered! I agree that Mr. Obama is much better than Mr. Bush. But no president of the US of A can be given a nobel peace prize! For the head of a country that lives off by waging wars, the nobel peace committee has either gone bonkers or is trying to wag tails to the most powerful office on earth. I am still not able to make any sense of it as i still read the news, but one thing is certain: the nobel peace prize can NEVER be given to an office that is directing wars in 2 countries (Iraq & Afghanistan) and threatening 3 others in full world view (Libya, Iran & North Korea). The very act of waging a war should be the sole reason to deny the peace prize - & the nobel committee- by giving it to the person currently holding that office, is degrading its own integrity....

Posted via email from sandylief

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