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Sunday, June 15, 2008


For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever...

words from Lord Tennyson that have had a lasting impact on me..
and as i now complete my masters in landscape architecture..
or rather landscape planning.... landscape appreciation.... call it either...
the words have larger than life impact...
where are we going as humans...
the above poem seems almost reversed...
not by the power of human brain, logic or engineering...
but by the sheer power of human greed, to ask for more than one needs
and more than one can ever require...
call it American consumerism, or the hidden capitalist agenda
i am no socialist..
however, the trend has to have a balance..
we will either feel the need to evaluate each step carefully in the future..
more so since we have already caused destruction approaching the limits of peril..
or be ready to just PERISH...
and the day is not far..
its not wars that will annihilate us..
it is us..our greed.. our so called needs..
and our insensitive outlook to nature...

we use our so called SUPER BRAINS
and find a way to sustain ourselves indefinitely without using any external resources
i would rather laugh at this one & rubbish it to the bin...
we are going to perish & soon.........................

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